How Hackers Access Critical Business Data?

How Hackers Exploit OSINT to Access Critical Business Data

Key Sources of Business Information

How Hackers Access Business Data Using OSINT

Notable OSINT Tools for Business Data

  1. California Secretary of State Business Search: Provides access to filing documents, executive signatures, and external relationships.
  2. Nevada SilverFlume Business Search: Offers detailed business filings, including officer information and headquarters locations.
  3. Delaware Secretary of State Business Search: Helpful for locating legal addresses and officer information for companies registered in Delaware.
  4. Unicourt: An invaluable resource for uncovering court cases involving businesses and their officers.
  5. OpenCorporates: Centralizes data from multiple public databases, highlighting business relationships and official filings.

Risks and How Hackers Exploit This Information

Protecting Against OSINT-Based Threats


Glitchminds brings the most usefull information Hackers leverage OSINT to gather a wide range of business data, from executive names to court filings. With the vast amount of public information available, businesses must be vigilant in understanding their exposure. Using secure systems, staying informed about public records, and taking proactive measures can help protect against attacks that originate from publicly available data.

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